Your local Conservative team across Stockport have launched a campaign against any plans to increase Council Tax next year as local residents struggle with the rising cost of living.
In Stockport, you pay more Council Tax on average than your neighbours in other parts of Greater Manchester and your Council Tax has risen at more than double the rate of inflation over the last 6 years. Your local Conservatives are calling on Stockport Council freeze Council Tax for 2023/24 and leave you with more money in your pocket.
Conservative Councillor, Oliver Johnstone, said:
"Last year, Labour and Liberal Democrat Councillors in the Town Hall voted to hike your Council Tax by an average of more than £80 per year. Instead of delivering better value for money services, your hard-earned money has swollen Council coffers - with reserves now nearly an eye-watering £120 million.
Together we can call upon Stockport Council to honour the pledge that they made in the summer and freeze Council Tax for local residents who are seeing their household budgets squeezed by rising living costs."
Join our campaign to freeze your Council Tax bill by signing our petition!