High Lane: Windlehurst Road Traffic Calming Report
Hazel Grove Conservatives are holding Stockport Council to account for traffic calming measures on Windlehurst Road, with the suggestion of further consultation it is more important than ever to keep the pressure up for sensible measures to this issue.
The report prepared by SMBC has been prepared to provide a summary of previous public consultations in relation to the existing traffic calming measures on Windlehurst Road, High Lane; and to seek approval for further consultation on the removal of specific traffic calming measures along Windlehurst Road and for funding to be provided from the delegated ward budget to enable a feasibility investigation of footway widths along Windlehurst Road.
The Marple Area Committee has been asked to consider and approve the public consultation and release of funding for the footway width investigation.
The report is attached below:
The web address of the Area Committee details can be found at point twelve here: https://democracy.stockport.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=138&MId=284…