Overgrown Glossop Road Hedges betwween Windsor Castle and Ley Lane
Cllr Annette Finnie reports on progress with this issue;
This is a protracted case, as owners have to be identified via the land registry, and the land registry have rejected the usual format for the request of this. An updated request has been sent and a response is expected in 2-3 weeks.
SMBC cannot cut these hedges without the owner’s consent. If (once an owner is identified) owners refuse to co-operate, or a section of land comes back as ‘ unregistered’, then the council can obtain a quote from a contractor to pay for the cut back (and charge any uncooperative landowner). Or if unregistered, then the council would have to bear the cost.
If the hedges are owned, then the work and costs should be undertaken by the owner at their time and expense.
The hedges cannot be cut back properly during nesting season (which is from the end of March until the end of July). Hence, officers are arranging a trim back of the protruding twigs and branches so the footway can be safely used by pedestrians. As long as the hedge itself is not interfered with in nesting season, we can cut off excess twigs.timing for this is expected shortly.
Once details of the various owners and the sections each owns are known they can be contacted to arrage a proper cut back after July, and thereafter.